Soft Touch Endodontics
Thank you for your interest in Soft Touch Endodontics. We are specialist members of the American Association of Endodontists. We look forward to being of service to you. Our expert team, led by respected endodontic specialist Dr. Fadavi, includes an experienced endodontic staff. We provide the highest standard of professional care in a friendly, comfortable environment.
By referring you to our office, your dentist has shown their concern that you receive the finest endodontic care possible. Our goal is to provide unsurpassed quality in a compassionate environment of professionalism and clinical excellence. We hope to exceed your expectations.
We hope that the information provided here answers many of your questions about endodontic treatment. If you would like additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 562-431-1920 or 714-505-3636.
Our office policy and procedures have not changed due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We have always used CDC and OSHA-mandated cleaning and disinfection protocols for all surfaces in our office and treatment rooms.
For your safety and the safety of our staff and doctors, masks are required while in the office. Hand sanitizer is also available at the front desk. There is front-desk temperature screening for all patients and a standard written questionnaire to be signed. Face shields are being used by staff and doctors during all interactions in the operatory with our patients. Patients should always keep their masks on until they are asked to remove them.
Special modified air filters have been installed.
Magazines have been temporarily removed from our waiting room and operatories as these items are difficult to clean and disinfect.
We are trying to allow greater time between patients to reduce waiting times and the number of patients in the reception area at any one time.
If you have traveled domestically or internationally, been in contact with someone who has, if you or a family member has recently been sick with a fever, cough, or shortness of breath then we ask that you please reschedule your appointment for two weeks after travel or symptoms subside.

Our Technology
Cone Beam CT Scan
A cone beam CT scan is a diagnostic tool that provides a digital tomographic 3D representation of your teeth, gums, nerve pathways, and underlying bone structure within a single image. A traditional x-ray is only two-dimensional. We typically utilize cone beam CT scans when a regular x-ray is not enough. Cone beam CT scans are ideal for diagnosis, surgical planning, evaluation of additional canal anatomy and cracked teeth. With Cone Beam systems the doctor is able to get a full 360 degree view of the tooth and all surrounding areas. The 3D Cone Beam scanner provides nearly limitless views of the teeth while using less radiation than traditional medical CT technology. This advanced technology is fast, simple and painless and provides many wonderful benefits. With digital imaging, your exposure time is 90 percent less when compared to traditional radiographs. Digital imaging is a crucial diagnostic tool that helps us gain a better understanding of the inner workings of your mouth.

Digital X-ray
In the past, most dental professionals had to use the traditional x-ray systems, which require film development. These days, we use digital x-rays due to their many benefits. A digital x-ray is safer and much quicker than its film predecessor. If the image comes out blurry, we can instantly retake a new one. Digital x-rays are a crucial diagnostic tool that helps us gain a better understanding of the inner workings of your mouth, more specifically the teeth, roots, and alveolar bone.
Digital x-rays reduce the amount of radiation needed as compared to film x-rays. The improved diagnostic capability of digital x-rays and the ability to view the x-rays on a computer screen allow the patient to better understand and follow treatment. Digital x-rays are instant; there is no longer a need to develop the film. Digital x-rays save time and increase patient care. It’s also a very green technology. By eliminating film, developer and chemical waste it is better for you and the environment!
Dental Surgical Operating Microscope
We use a surgical operating microscope in our treatment procedures. The combination of magnification and light allows the doctor to visualize the internal anatomy of the tooth during treatment, enabling her to locate, clean and fill extra canals and spaces which would most likely be missed otherwise. The doctor is able to get a detailed look at the work she is doing during all phases of your endodontic treatment. The additional magnification and illumination allows her to work with great precision and see small details such as calcified canals and fractures. The microscope is used in conjunction with ultrasonic instruments to remove calcifications and other blockages which have the potential to make a tooth inoperable. The magnification is also critical in diagnosing the presence of cracks in the tooth structure and determining the extent of a fracture line, which is vital in determining the prognosis of a tooth. Overall, the use of the microscope greatly enhances treatment and helps ensure endodontic success while improving the potential outcome of the treatment from “good” to “excellent”.